Diatom News
300 new diatomspecies discribed in 15 years
Prof. Dr. Bart Van de Vijver is a researcher at the Botanic Garden Meise. He has been researching diatoms for more than 15 years. Recently he described his 300th new species for science. The species bears the name Halamphora ausloosiana as a tribute to his friend and colleague Gert Ausloos.
Training program in non-marine diatoms from the (sub-) Antarctic Region
Non-marine diatoms are one of the most abundant algal groups in the (sub-)Antarctic Region both in number of individuals as in number of species. Due to mis-identifications and force-fitting, the actual number of species is rather limited and still composed on only cosmopolitan species, resulting in a bad knowledge of the biogeography of this important group. The past few years, there has been a growing interest that resulted in the description and/or correct identification of a large number of new species, typical for the region. Biogeographical results using this refined taxonomy show a much more transparent separation of the different parts of the (sub-)Antarctic region.
Botanic Garden Meise, Department of Bryophyta & Thallophyta
Meise, Belgium
Aseksual algae remains diverse due to parasites and the environment
Due to a variable environment and the influence of parasitic fungi, the star-shaped pebble algae Asterionella formosa can remain genetically diverse, even though this species propagates without sex. This is what Alena Gsell of the Netherlands Institute for Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) discovered during her doctoral research. Asterionella is one of the most important species in so-called algal blooms in our regions.
Jako van der Wal has made a translation for a Japanese Diatom project
Diatom Project is managed by collaborating researchers from different countries around the world led by the Mayama lab at Tokyo Gakugei University. The aim of the project is to actively promote awareness of the aquatic environment in humans through the use of SimRiver. Moreover, we hope to increase understanding and cooperation between the countries. For information about the video and SimRiver and to report the outcomes of the lessons with the help of the learning materials, please contact: diatom@waterside.jp
Special website of Michel Haak
Many beautiful pictures of own leg preparations
Welcome to my site www.diatoms.eu
The Univererse Diatomacearum Moellerianum
Together with professor emeritus Karel Van Camp, Jef Schoors had the opportunity to photograph the most famous diatom preparation by Johann Diedrich Möller: the Universum Diatomacearum Moellerianum. This laying preparation from 1890 originally contained no less than 4026 different diatoms, which Möller 'laid' by hand. In 1900 the preparation was bought by Van Heurck. Currently it is kept in the Botanic Garden Meise. Interested parties can receive this photo on request via We Transfer: mail to kagm@microscopie.be with the mention 'Universum Diatomacearum Moellerianum '. It can also be viewed in Micscape Magazine
Diatoms Art Museum
Special video about diatom preparations; Gymnopedie door Kerrilyn Renshaw!)