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How to Contribute

Diatom Flora of the Low Countries

How to contribute to the Diatom Flora



  1. Download the template (Word-file) [click here]

  2. Fill in as much as possible (in English)

    1. Species name* (including authors, year of publication, when available also basionym and synonyms.

    2. Morphology: describe the species.

    3. Morphometrics: present the measurement data from literature and your own measurements.

    4. Related species: list related species  and mention the differences (OPTIONAL, can be added later by the editors).

    5. Ecology: describe the characteristics of typical habitats or circumstances for this species. Also describe where it is principally found in the Low Countries.

    6. Ecological Values: this chapter will be filled in by the editors, this is the only way to guarantee that all analysts are able to use the same recent information.

    7. Remarks: any remarks you wish to make on the species.

    8. Pictures: please sent the pictures separate, the editors will fit the pictures on the page.

    9. References: list here important literature that you use to identify this species.

  3. Send the template to the editors, they will check the information and fill in the blanks. (Send to Bart Van de Vijver: )

  4. The final species sheet will be sent to you, prior to publication on the website. After a final check by the author, the PDF will be published on the website. As author of the species sheet, your name will be mentioned (you can also remain anonymous if requested).


* The nomenclature of the Dutch TWN-list will not be followed, because the taxonomical interpretation         with hooks [1]  isn’t international accepted.


 Some guidelines regarding photos

  1. All photos must be from diatoms found in a sample from the Low Countries

  2. Photos should be sent in TIFF-format, 500 dpi.  A scale bar with magnification 1500 x (1,5 cm = 10 µm) must be added.

  3. All photos preferably from a complete population, from large to small valves with, if possible, a girdle view. Make sure only complete valves are photographed. If necessary, use different focus depths for highlighting special morphological features.

  4. Images should be sent separate, format 14 x 20 cm, no arrangements or stacks.

  5. If you don’t feel comfortable with the quality of your pictures or if you are not able to make pictures, please send some cleaned (unmounted) material or a slide to the editors (Bart Van de Vijver, Plantentuin Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, 1830 Meise, Belgium). They will make the pictures for you.


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