Taxonomic workshops NVKD
The determination of certain groups of diatoms has become increasingly complicated due to ever increasing taxonomic research. From the ring tests organized by the NVKD in the past, proper detemination within specific groups proved to be extremely difficult. That is why Bart van de Vijver started organizing taxonomic workshops in 2010, in order to treat the often difficult taxonomy per group in a very proficient way using a syllabus. The taxonomic workshop takes place annually prior to the NVKD lecture days and is always a very well attended and inseparable part of our annual meeting. Below an overview of the taxonomic workshops. The syllabi are all available as pdf.
Overview Taxonomic workshops (downloads)
2010 Achnanthidiumminutissimum/Achnanthidium pyrenaicum
2012 Staurosira, Staurosirella & Pseudostaurosira (old)